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دورة اللغة الإنجليزي للمتقدمين

45 ساعة


ميزات المعهد - دورات اللغة الانجليزية :

• اختبار تحديد المستوى مجانا

• معهد معتمد من وزارة التربية والتعليم

• مناهج عالمية

• محاضرين معتمدين

• شهادة انجاز: تصديق وزارة التربية برسوم إضافية

• الامتحانات: لدينا امتحان TOEFL iBT برسوم اضافية


ضمانات الجودة :

(conditions apply)

• ضمان التقييم المجاني

• ضمان إعادة الدورة مجاناً

• ضمان استثمار الموارد البشرية

• التخصيص والملائمة مع الشركة

• ضمان ترقية الإصدار

اللغة الانجليزي للمتقدمين: نظرة عامة على الدورة التدريبية

دورات الهيد وي و مناهجها مصممة خصيصا للطلاب البالغين للتوصل لأفضل و أسرع النتائج لتعلم: قواعد اللغة الانكليزية، المفردات  ،القراءة، التحدث، الاستماع و الفهم، و مهارات الكتابة، كل ذلك باستخدام الطريقة المباشرة لتبسيط برنامج التعليم من خلال استخدام أمثلة تعليمية من الحياة اليومية، مع الاحتفاظ بالطبع بالمبادىء الثقافية للشرق الأوسط.


لغة الإنجليزية للمتقدمين: دورة لغة إنجليزي للمبتدئين ، أو نجاح امتحان تحديد المستوى انجليزي مستوى 1


هذه الدورة تؤهلك للدورات التالية:

 دورة اللغة الإنجليزية - المحادسة المتقدمة

دورة اللغة الإنجليزية - تحضير لامتحان توفل TOEFL iBT

دورة اللغة الإنجليزية - تحضير لامتحان ايلتس IELTS


لغة الانجليزية للمتقدمين : محتويات الدورة

Unit 1 : It's a wonderful world!

Auxiliary verbs
- do, be, have
Naming the tenses
- Present, Past, Present Perfect
Questions and negatives
- What did you do last night?
- Cows don't eat meat.
Short answers
- Yes, I did.
What's in a word?
- Parts of speech and meaning
- Spelling and pronunciation
- Word formation
- Words that go together
- Keeping vocabulary records
Everyday English
- Social expressions
- Never mind.
- Take care!
- You must he joking!

'Wonders of the modern world' - amazing technological and scientific achievements

Information gap - a UN Goodwill Ambassador
Discussion - what's the most important invention? Listening
My wonders — three generations give their ideas about the wonders of the modern world
Correcting mistakes (1) — finding and correcting language mistakes in an informal letter


Unit 2 : Get happy!

Present tenses
Present Simple
- Does she work in a bank?
Present Continuous
- Is he working in France at the moment?
- Simple or continuous?
- She usually drives to work, but today she isn't driving. She's walking,

Present passive
- We are paid with the money people give.
- Children are being treated with a new kind of medicine.

Sport and leisure
- play football
- go sailing
- do aerobics

Everyday English
Numbers and dates
- Money, fractions,decimals, percentages, dates, phone numbers
'The clown doctor' - a woman describes the job she loves
Discussion - what makes people happy?
Sports - three people talk about their free time activities
Letters and emails


Unit 3 : Telling tales

Past tenses
Past Simple and Continuous
- He danced and sang.
- He was laughing when he saw the baby.
Past Simple and Past Perfect
- I didn't laugh at his joke.
- Why? Had you heard it before?
Past Passive
- A Farewell to Arms was written by Ernest Hemingway.

Art and literature
- painter
- poet
- paint a picture
- read a poem
Everyday English
Giving opinions
- What did you think of the play?
- It was really boring! I fell asleep during the first act.
'The painter and the writer' – the lives of Pablo Picasso and Ernest Hemingway (jigsaw)
Information gap - 'An amazing thing happened!'
Describing a book or a film you like
Books and films - people talk about their favourite books and films

Writing: A narrative (1)


Unit 4 - Doing the right thing

Modal verbs (1) - obligation and permission
have (got) to, can, be allowed to
- Children have to go to school.
- I can stay at my sister's house.
- We're allowed to wear jeans.
should, must
- We should take traveller's cheques.
- You must write to us every week.
Nationality words
- Japan, the Japanese
- Spain, the Spanish
Countries and adjectives
- Greece, Greek
- Italy, Italian
Everyday English
Requests and offers
- Could you ...?
- Would you ...?

- Can I... ?
- I'll...
- Shall I... ?

'A world guide to good manners' - how to behave abroad

Talking about rules and regulations
Roleplay - starting a new job
Discussion - what advice would you give a foreign visitor?
Come round to my place! - entertaining friends in three different countries
For and against


Unit 5 : On the move

Future forms
going to and will
- I'm going to buy some.
- I'll get a loaf.
Present Continuous
- We're playing tennis this afternoon.

The weather
- It's sunny.
- sunshine
- The sun's shining.
Everyday English
Travelling around
Using public transport
Requests in a hotel

'My kind of holiday' - a travel agent talks about his holidays

Arranging to meet
Discussion - your ideal holiday
A weather forecast
Making a reservation


Unit 6 : I just love it!

Questions with like
- What's she like?
- What does she look like?
- What does she like doing?
Verb patterns
- I enjoyed meeting your friends.
- I just wanted to say thank you.
- You made me feel welcome.

Describing food, cities, and people
- fresh
- polluted
- sophisticated
- fresh food
- historic cities
- elderly people
Everyday English
Signs and sounds
- Dry clean only
- Just looking, thanks.
'Global pizza' - the history of the world's favourite food
Talking about popular food and popular places to eat
Discussion - restaurants, cities and people you know
New York and London - An English couple talks about living in New York; an American gives his impressions
of living in London (jigsaw)

A description (1)


Unit 7 : The world of work

Present Perfect
Present Perfect versus Past Simple
- I've worked there for five years.
- I worked for the BBC.
Present Perfect passive
- Two Spanish novelists have been awarded
- the Nobel Prize for literature.

Phrasal verbs
Literal or idiomatic?
- She looked out of the window.
- Look out!
Separable or inseparable?
- turn on
- turn it on
Everyday English
On the phone
- Can I take a message?
- Would you like to hold?
‘Dream jobs’ – two people describe their jobs (jigsaw)
Discussion - what's in the news Today?
Roleplay – interviewing someone about their dream job

The busy life of a retired man – a man talks to his granddaughter about life since retirement
A letter of application


Unit 8 : Just imagine!

First conditional
- If I see Anna, I'll tell her.
Second conditional
- If I had £5 million, I'd buy an island.
Time clauses
- When we get there, we'll give you a call.

Base and strong adjectives
- good, wonderful
- tired, exhausted
Modifying adverbs
- very tired
- absolutely wonderful
Everyday English
Making suggestions
- Let's go shopping!
- Why don't you ask your parents?
'Who wants to be a millionaire?' - what it's really like to become wealthy overnight
Discussion - what would you do with £5 million?
Discussion - what charities would you support?
Song - 'Who wants to be a millionaire?'
Three charities — who they are and what they do
A narrative (2)

Unit 9 : Getting on together

Modal verbs (2) - probability
must, could, might, cant
- He can't have, much free time.
- They might be rich.
must have, could have, might have, can't have

- It could have been her suitcase.
- She must have been on holiday.

Character adjectives
- reliable
- sociable
- easygoing

Everyday English
Agreeing and disagreeing
- So do I!
- Neither do I!
'The man who planted trees'
Who's who in the family?
Quiz - what type of person are you?
Discussion — what size is the perfect family?
Brothers and sisters - two people talk about their families
A description (2)


Unit 10 : Obsessions

Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Simple versus Continuous
- A Manchester teenager has received a phone bill for over £450.
- I've been texting my friends all day long.
Questions and answers
- How long have you been learning English?
Time expressions
- She s been living in Paris since she got married.
Compound nouns
- ponytail
- movie star
Everyday English
Expressing quantity
- How much coffee do you drink?
- That's too much!
'Famous for not being famous' - Dennis Woodruff, Hollywood 'movie' star
Exchanging information about major life events
Comparing information about two collectors

Collectors - two people talk about their unusual collections (jigsaw)
Writing a biography


Unit 11 : Tell me about it!

Indirect questions
- I wonder if you could help me.
- I don't know what time the banks close.
Question tags
- I've got a meeting this afternoon, haven't I?
Verbs and nouns that go together
- whistle a tune
- lick an ice-cream
- hold your breath
- hit the roof
Everyday English
Informal English
- What do you say we break for lunch?
- What's up?
'How well do you know your world? You ask ... we answer!'

Information gap — Finding out about Celine Dion
Stories of forgetfulness
The forgetful generation - a radio programme
Words that join ideas


Unit 12 : Life's great events!


Reported speech
Reported statements
- She said that they were married.
Reported questions
- He asked me how I knew them.
Reported requests/commands
- He told them to stop making a noise.
- I asked them to stop making a noise.

Birth, marriage, and death
- have a baby
- get engaged
- funeral

Everyday English
Saying sorry
- I'm sorry!
- Excuse me!
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
Discussion — customs connected with births, weddings, and funerals
Discussion — the day you were born
Roleplay - retelling the story of a birth
Noisy neighbours - two people making statements to the police (jigsaw)
A birth - lane's story
Correcting mistakes (2)


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