
دبي - 0097143306555

الشارقة - 0097165751315



Organizing and Delegating

القيادة والادارة >


دورة ILM Understanding organising and Delegating in the Workplace 8600-319

7 ساعات تدريبية





ميزات المعهد - دورات ادارية :

• معهد معتمد من ILM

• مناهج معتمد من ILM

• محاضرين معتمدين من ILM

• شهادة ILM العالمية: الامتحان برسوم إضافية

• معهد معتمد من وزارة التربية والتعليم

• محاضرين معتمدين

• شهادة الإنجاز (للتصديق من وزارة التربية يتم فرض رسوم) للشهادة الأساسية فقط

ضمانات الجودة :

(conditions apply)

• ضمان التقييم المجاني

• ضمان إعادة الدورة مجاناً

• ضمان استثمار الموارد البشرية

• التخصيص والملائمة مع الشركة

• ضمان ترقية الإصدار


Course Overview
To develop knowledge and understanding of organizing and delegation as required by a practicing or potential first line manager :

•Understand how to organise people to achieve objectives
•Understand how to delegate to achieve workplace objectives


Assessment Criteria
• Explain the importance of making effective and efficient use of people’s knowledge and skills while planning a team’s work to achieve objectives

• Explain how to identify the appropriate person for an activity in the workplace

• Explain how human resource planning can be used to assure output and quality in the workplace

• Explain how to delegate tasks effectively
• Describe the benefits of empowerment in the workplace
• Identity barriers to delegation and how these can be overcome
• Explain a technique that could be used to monitor the outcomes of delegation
in the workplace


International Curriculum

Unit 3.21 - Validated by ILM, the Institute of Leadership & Management.


Course Outline


1. Planning and organising the team's work
2. Human resource planning
3. Succession planning
4. Job design
5. Techniques of job design
6. Redeployment

1. Delegation and empowerment
2. Power
3. Delegation
4. How to delegate
5. Negotiation
6. Empowerment
7. Benefits of empowerment
8. Problems with empowerment
9. Techniques for monitoring delegation and empowerment


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