
دبي - 0097143306555

الشارقة - 0097165751315



دورة جافا للمبتدئين

35 ساعة تدريبية

ميزات المعهد :

• معهد معتمد من وزارة التربية والتعليم

• مناهج عالمية

• محاضرين معتمدين

• المخابر: جهاز كمبيوتر لكل طالب

• شهادة انجاز: تصديق وزارة التربية برسوم إضافية

• الامتحانات: امتحانات برومترك و في يو اي متوفرة


ضمانات الجودة :

(conditions apply)

• ضمان التقييم المجاني

• ضمان إعادة الدورة مجاناً

• ضمان استثمار الموارد البشرية

• التخصيص والملائمة مع الشركة

• ضمان ترقية الإصدار

Course Overview

The Fundamentals of the Java Programming Language course provides students with an excellent choice for beginning to learn to program using the Java programming language. This course is intended for students with little or no programming experience. This course teaches the significance of object-oriented programming, the keywords and constructs of the Java programming language, and the steps required to create simple Java programs. A fantastic new teaching tool developed by Sun is used throughout the course to help the learner more readily understand the syntax and semantics of the language. Students taking this course can receive a solid basis in the Java programming language upon which to base continued work and training.

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
• Explain key concepts related to Java technology and Java programming, identify Java product groups, and list the phases of the application development lifecycle
• Analyze a problem and design classes to solve the problem
• Develop and test a Java technology program
• Use primitive data types to store data within variables
• Demonstrate object-oriented reuse principles through the use of object references
• Use decision constructs
• Create loops
• Develop and use methods
• Implement encapsulation and constructors
• Create and use single and multi-dimensional arrays
• Use inheritance to extend classes

• Working knowledge of programming concepts


Course Outline


Java Fundamentals
The origin of Java
Java’s contribution to the Internet
Java’s magic: The bytecode
The Java Buzzwords
Object oriented Programming
A first simple program
Handling Syntax Errors
A second simple program
Another Data type
Project 1-1: Converting Gallons to Liters
Project 1-2: Improving the Gallons-to-Liters Converter

Introducing Data Types and Operators
Why Data Types are important
Java’s Simple Types
Floating-point Types
The Boolean type

Project 2-1: How far away is Lightening?
Project 2-2: Display a truth table of the logical operators
Program Control Statements
Input characters from the keyboard
The if statement
The switch statement
Project 3-1: Start Building a Java help system
Project 3-2: Improve the Java help system
Project 3-3: Finish the Java help system


Introducing Classes, Objects and Methods
Class Fundamentals
How Objects are created
Reference Variables and Assignment
Project 4-1: Creating a help class
Project 4-2: Demonstrate Finalization


More Data Types and Operators
Project 5-1: Sorting an Array
Project 5-2: A Queue Array
Project 5-3: A ShowBits class


A Closer look at Methods and Classes
Controlling Access to Class members
Project 6-1: Improving the Queue Class
Project 6-2: Overloading the Queue constructor
Project 6-3: The Quicksort

Inheritance Basics
Constructor and Inheritance
Using super to Access Superclass members
Project 7-1: Extending the vehicle class member

Packages and Interfaces
Packages and Member Access
Importing Packages
Java’s class Library Is contained in Packages
Project 8-1: Creating a Queue package


Exception Handling
The Exception Hierarchy
Exception Handling Fundamentals

Using Multiple catch Statements
Try blocks Can be Nested
Throwing an Exception
A closer look at throwable
Using finally
Using throws
Java’s Built-in Exceptions
Creating Exception Subclasses
Project 9-1: Adding Exceptions to the Queue class


Using I/O
Java’s I/O is built upon Streams
Using the Byte Streams
Reading and Writing Files using Byte Streams
Project 10-1: A File comparison Utility
Project 10-2: Creating a Disk-based Help System

Multithreaded Programming
Multithreading Fundamentals
The Thread Class and Runnable Interface
Creating a Thread
Project 11-1: Extending Thread
Project 11-2: Using the Main Thread

Applets, Events and Miscellaneous Topics
Applet Basics
Applet Organization and Essential Elements
Requesting Repainting
Project 12-1: A simple Banner Applet


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